Black and white animation of Jonathan hiking.

Church Brand Identity

Village Church Columbus
Branding, Illustration

Rooted in History

Village Church has set itself apart by remaining traditional in teaching and aesthetic. Its top influence comes from the unchanging examples of the bible, and it takes inspiration from historic teachers. The church desired to maintain the beauty within biblical history, but transform it into a modern and relevant way for today. Inspired by the Black Letter typeface used by Gutenberg to print the first Bible, I set out to create a typeface for Village that has a elements of the Black Letter past and the modern typeface usage of today. From there I used the type face to create a word mark for Village along with illustrative brand elements inspired by illuminated letter bibles in history. Expanding beyond the brand system, I created a shirt/poster design illustrating the story of redemption. The shirt illuminates the gospel with a wholistic view of scripture.

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Natural Fit in Mind

Lems Shoes
Motion Design
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